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July 05, 2023


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Maggie Ginsberg

Hello! I hope it's not too intrusive for me to comment here, but Google Alerts just let me know about this lovely review. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my book and I'm so pleased it resonated with you. Thank you especially for caring about books so much that you've created this blog, I see a lot of great choices here and I appreciate your care. Happy reading!

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Glad you're here

  • I'm glad you are here!
    All the titles I write about are ones I have read and liked, and believe friends will enjoy, too. I do read many other books, too, and will recommend only the good ones. I guess you can take the librarian out of the library, but you can't keep the librarian from "selling" books. When you find a good title I haven't discovered, please add a comment following any post, or email me at [email protected]. Many thanks to those of you who stick with me. I appreciate your feedback a lot!
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